The Decision making Process – Decoded! “You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen.” ― Michelle Obama According to the Oxford’s Dictionary, the term decision-making means deciding about something important, especially in a group of people or organizations or establishment, or in my opinion, even life. Decision-making isn’t sudden. It requires a process, a course…

Performance Appraisal – an Opportunity not Dread! Performance appraisals and reviews impart the perfect occasion to reflect on your career and plan your next move – but only if you prepare. Here’s what to expect from an appraisal and how to get the most out of your annual review at work. If the thought of your annual, or biannual, work…

5 effective ways you as a manager, can conduct an effective appraisal for your team Most organizations large and small have a certain protocol for employee performance reviews and appraisals. I’ve been lucky to work at places where I could provide feedback on how the process could be made easier or more effective. But whether you work for an organization…

Tackling the Awkward Negotiation Conversation So, you’ve done it! after countless informational interviews, phone calls, and in-person interviews, you’ve finally made it at your dream job. But as you analyze the contract, you find yourself a little diffident about what they’re willing to offer you. You’re in a fix. You know you’re going to thrive here. Shouldn’t you just accept their first…

Confidence Building for the Non Dummies! As human beings we have this amazing and incredible ability to experience and feel so many different emotions. Very often we let these emotions dictate our actions without giving much impetus to our core beliefs. Over time, these emotions affect how we feel and act every single day. If we’re fueled by a sense…

Journeys with Janet! What are we but our stories? Stories of courage, of love, of success, of happiness, of good and evil. The world is built on them and everyone loves a good one! Stories open our minds to vivid imaginations, help us put ideas out in the world, make us feel varied emotions, tug at our heart strings and…

#Howto Refresh your professional journey, in 2021 Brushing off unfulfilled resolutions is something all of us have done at some point – Right? I have too. But, this year has tried us. And the amount it has jostled us, professionally and personally, definitely made me a non-believer of new year resolutions. So instead of resolutions I actually grabbed my cup…

#InHindsight – Self reflecting the year that was! Wow! It’s the year end already. 2020 seems to have just flown by. Hasn’t it? In our current always-on culture as we hustle through the days, the year end seems like a time to take a breather and think about how we are feeling & doing. Research shows that active self-reflection strengthens…

Path to your purpose! Chadwick Boseman, of “Black Panther” T’Challa fame, recently passed away. While fighting cancer, he returned to his alma mater, to deliver the main address at the school’s 150th commencement ceremony and he said something which stuck with me: “When you are deciding on next steps, next jobs, next careers, further education, you should rather find purpose than…

Leadership – the dance of EQ & IQ According to Abraham Zaleznik the traditional view of management focused on building competence, control, and the balance of power. It omitted the essential leadership elements of inspiration, vision, and passion—which drive corporate success. With the evolution of leadership, he argued, that business leaders have more in common with artists, sports persons, scientists,…